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Journaling + Manifesting. Where Do I Begin?

One of the best things you can do for your growth + manifesting your dreams is journaling. I highly suggest you buy a "Manifestation Book" (a book with empty pages you can write in) that speaks to you.

There are so many inspirational "Manifestation Books" out there to help you get started. I have an Erin Condren Life Plannerâ„¢ which was gifted to me by my parents...get yours HERE. Besides working with a therapist, virtually for the past two years, this journal or "manifestation book" is a wonderful gift that has really made an impact on my mental health + growth.

What I do is take 10 minutes a day to write down everything I want in my daily life (day to day) + my future self. Once you gift your higher self an outlet to speak, it doesn't stop! It starts implanting affirmations of your future successes to write down now + speak into existence.

Make sure you use a pencil as there is something magical about this natural tool when it comes to manifesting + speaking to the universe.

I've added a few more of my favorite journals + life planners here (or) just tap the image below to shop them.

Here are some tips on mindfulness + journaling:


As you may already know, as you celebrate more, you receive more, therefor I recommend you start your day by listing the things you are grateful for in the Gratitude section. I start by listing 3 things that answer the question, "What am I grateful for today?" which often includes, family, health, a roof over my head, a good sleep at night, etc.

In one of my journal entries I had the following.....

I am grateful for:

1) How far I have come since beginning virtual therapy during the pandemic / quarantine.
2) My entire family + their continued health + wellness.
3) My Dad having a safe surgery getting a pacemaker + him focusing on his nutrition + exercise. I am grateful to all his doctors.
4) My Mom's early treatment by having two safe surgeries for her lumpectomies + radiation. I am grateful to her doctors, therapists + the kind people at the breast center.

I always have to remind myself how far I have come + that I am exactly where I need to be. Just about a year ago, I was really in a dark place + struggling with my OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder), Anxiety + Depression. I was once that person who lived solely in this space where highs are high + lows are low. There are ups + downs + that is certainly life, but moving through my day with mindfulness + intention is much more calming to live in. I recognize that I am (we all are) a never ending work in progress , so I am really learning to love the process of growth because it is so ever changing. Reflect + remind yourself that you have come a long way! You don't need to be anywhere else except right here, right now.


This section refers to my intentions for the day. Some mornings, I can feel "off" as soon as I wake up. But this, I have found, is because my intentions for the day are not consciously established. This section answers the question, "What positive things do I want to happen today?" Where you can list 3 things such as, spend quality time with my family, one on one time with a loved one, be productive at work, take some self care time for me: a bubble bath or get a massage etc.

Something I do want to say on this topic is that life is not always a To Do List. Stop measuring your days in terms of how productive you are.

Measure your days in how present you are. Are you practicing mindfulness? Are you present in every action? Act + speak with intention.


This section reminds me of what I really like doing + focuses my attention only to the things that fill my heart with joy. The energy spent during the day is our most important resource, so by evaluating again what I love doing, I make sure I spend as little energy on the things I don't like. This section answers the question, "What makes me enthusiastic today?", where I list all the things that are cool about that day. What makes me feel good + inspired?

To this section I want to add: "How are you really feeling today?" Honor your feelings. Observe everything in front of you. Or even close your eyes + meditate for a bit. What do you see? How does it make you feel? I include in this section how I want to feel for the day so, I put the intention out there (no matter what) that I intend for my day to be peaceful, zen, focused etc.

I also sometimes call this my Vibes Section too. Here, I think about what are some self care fun things I am enthusiastic about to include in my day. This could be:

1) Listen to my favorite podcast
2) Read a few pages or a chapter of the book I am currently enjoying.
3) Music - I love to set the tone of my day with music, playlists. Even carve out time if I am working to stop + stretch my body through an entire song.
4) Workout - workouts do not have to be long. There are even so many short + sweet 6 minute workouts you can do if you don't have time on certain days. Here are some of my quick workouts. Or even better, get outside + go for a short walk or hike!


This section is self motivating + slowly gets me into the mood of achieving the goals of the day. This is the section where I list 3 things that I absolutely need to achieve that day + I answer the question, "What am I determined to do today?"

In this section, think about things you want to let go of + things you want to let in.


In this section, I imagine myself at the end of the day, looking back at where I have achieved. Thinking in results offers me the big picture + helps me feel connected to the BIG things. Also, I make my results visual. So, instead of saying I write an article about, "Non-toxic skincare", I tell myself that at the end of the day, I will have in my computer, a two pages document about "Non-toxic skincare." This section is one of the most important ones in the process + it answers the question, "What is the most important result for today?"


This section makes me evaluate if what I have chosen to do that day is the most important thing for me at that particular time. As I mentioned before, there is nothing worse than spending energy on something that you don't like + it is not important for you. This section answers the question, "Why is this result important for me?"


Many times we think "alone", without realizing that there are so many people that can help us. For example, if we are organizing a trip, you don't have to do everything on your own. If you do this exercise + ask yourself, "Who can team up with me to achieve the result?", your mind will always find a way to take it easy on you and find "external contractors".

STEPS Section

The last section helps you break down into actionable steps, the result you need to achieve that day. Here is where I list, the 3 most important steps that will take me closer to achieving my result. It answers the question, "Which are the most important steps in achieving the desired result?"

As you can imagine, this exercise is not that powerful if done on the computer. You simply need to sit there, with your pen or pencil in your hand + connect with your inner self. This is because creativity is inside your mind + you have to get it out there by involving all your sense + body, not the computer.

Before you begin, (it may sound kooky crazy "woo woo"), but ask angels + your higher self to be present + assist. It's amazing to have something you can reference back to as proof when things manifest! Start off by manifesting small's amazing how the universe always works in your favor.

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