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  • NicoleDeRosa

Updated: May 25, 2023

I had some unexpected news last month as I was checking off all my health appointments for the new year, starting with an annual mammogram. Like many women, I have dense breast tissue coupled with the fact that my Mama Joy had carcinoma in situ + a lumpectomy performed on both of her breasts (20 years apart) My Aunt also recently had the same.

Since there is a family history, my doctor, the lovely Dr. Harriet wanted me to have a follow up Breast MRI after my Mammogram + an Ultrasound. There was nothing suspicious on either, but just to be on the safe side + because of the family history, I was qualified to have an MRI.

I had a Breast MRI performed on January 20th which revealed an abnormality that required a biopsy. I read my MRI report....

The word ABNORMALITY became 3D, hovering off the paper, getting larger + larger as it moved closer toward my eyeline.

The only way that you can be sure that the abnormality is benign (not cancer) is to sample or surgically remove the area of concern + have it reviewed for pathological analysis.

My incredible breast surgeon, Dr. Harriet called me and presented me with the option to either do another MRI in six months or go ahead + have a needle biopsy performed. I immediately said, "let's do the needle biopsy." I surprised myself with how quickly I answered Dr. Harriet, but honestly it wasn't even a struggle...Why would anyone wait?

Let's get this sh*t done! After I agreed, I hung up the phone + then tried to "panic process" what just happened.

My Mama Joy was able to put me at ease. She had a needle biopsy twice + she told me that I won't feel anything since they numb the breast. I knew, if she could do it, then I certainly could do it too. What also helped me tremendously was that I refrained from googling + looking anything up online about the procedure which is SO unlike me. I usually research the sh*t out of anything + everything thanks to my clinical OCD but not this time!

This past Monday, February 6th, I had a MRI Breast Needle Biopsy on my right breast. Since I had not slept a wink...I already had a lovely pounding migraine the morning of the procedure. My head hurt so much, that the migraine more or less kept my mind numb of any intrusive thoughts. I was on autopilot at that point putting one foot in front of the other.

We got to the hospital, checked, paperwork, yadda yadda...all the things...I finally found myself face down on the padded scanning table where my lovely nurses, Jenny + Josephine helped me get in the proper position so that my breast fit into a hollow depression in the table. In a few moments a very large needle would be inserted into my breast. Your breast is mildly compressed. This test also requires intravenous contrast administration (contrast material given through your vein).

Nurse Jenny asked me what music I would like played during the procedure. Instead of tropical or relaxing zen music, I said, "How about some dance or pop music?!"

The thoughts that went through my mind at this point consisted of....

"Why does this MRI machine have to beep so f*cking loud?! It's drowning out Britney Spears who is actually calming me down right now!!!"

"Who designed this machine?"

"Isn't there an engineer that can make these machines not be so triggering with all these beeping + alarm sounds?!?"

"You got this, Nicole! Just stay still. It will be over soon. Shake it off..."

And just like that, Taylor Swift began singing "Shake It Off" faintly into my ear. As I sang along, I felt more at ease...apologies to everyone in radiology for my vocal rendition.

Having the radiologist play music is the only saving grace during an MRI, but the machines are so loud making these jarring alarm sounds that would make my body jump at the sound of them going off and on the whole time. Now add the pressure of being told, "DO NOT MOVE, NICOLE...NOT EVEN A MILLIMETER or we will unfortunately have to start all over again."

The MRI machine provides images that help determine the exact location for the biopsy. Following the administration of local anesthesia, a small incision less than 1/4-inch long (about 5 millimeters) is made to allow the core needle to be inserted. Several samples of tissue are taken + sent to a lab for analysis. Sampling takes a few minutes.

I tried to relax + honestly at this point, I was so exhausted from not sleeping that I tried to take somewhat of a nap. Once Dr. Harriet numbed my breast, I hardly felt anything after that. I actually said out loud,

"Wait. What? It's done?! You did it?! I was so scared this was going to be so painful but my migraine hurt more than the needle!!"

The overall exam table time was about 30-45 minutes. Before I knew it, I was off the table getting dressed + being wheeled upstairs for a post biopsy Mammogram. At the time of the breast biopsy, a small titanium marker or clip was placed in my breast at the biopsy site. This is done so that if a biopsy shows cancer cells or precancerous cells, your doctor or surgeon can locate the biopsied area + remove more of the surrounding breast tissue surgically (known as the surgical or excisional biopsy). If the core needle biopsy shows no concerning findings, this marker/clip allows the radiologist to closely monitor the area on future imaging studies.

The days in between were the worst, allowing my mind to wander with all kinds of intrusive thoughts. Mama Joy and I continued binge watching five seasons of Alias on Disney+ which definitely helped take my mind off things. Luckily receiving the results only took a day and a half.

Dr. Harriet called and in her sweet, warm + comforting voice said something to the effect of, "I have some glorious, spectacular, amazing, incredible news for you, Nicole! It is not cancer. The final pathology (results) show that you had a fibroadenoma."

What is a


A fibroadenoma (fy-broe-ad-uh-NO-muh) is a solid breast lump. This breast lump is not cancer. A fibroadenoma happens most often between ages 15 and 35. But it can be found at any age in anyone who menstruates. A fibroadenoma often causes no pain. Reproductive hormones may cause fibroadenomas.

A fibroadenoma feels like a firm, smooth, or rubbery lump in the breast with a well-defined shape. It's painless and moves easily when touched. However, I never even felt anything there. It was the Breast MRI that picked it up. Although healthy breast tissue often feels lumpy, a new lump or change in the breasts should be looked at by a doctor. Treatment may include monitoring for changes in the size or feel, a biopsy to evaluate it or surgery to remove it.

If you are curious to see what a MRI-guided breast needle biopsy entails, you can watch the video below:

A few days


It's been about four days now since the needle biopsy and I have to say, the whole thing was not bad at all. This is coming from your girl (me) who has never had any prior surgeries (...knock on wood) or procedure of this nature. I kept an ice pack on the site for 30 minutes on/off the first couple days and tomorrow I'll remove the bandage + shower. I return in May for a 4 month follow up Mammogram + Ultrasound so Dr. Harriet can closely monitor the area. This is where that small titanium marker or clip that was placed in my breast at the biopsy site comes in handy.

I wanted to share my experience, because I don't want anyone else to freak out too much when they get a letter that says "abnormal" after a Mammogram, MRI or Ultrasound etc. Be consistent and don't put off your routine appointments. The sooner things are found, the better AND most likely more treatable.

I just watched this video by a girl named, Ashley Nikasia. Although, my experience was a bit different in that my MRI scan found the fibroadenoma. I never felt a lump or had any pain like Ashley, so I want to share her story below as well. Thank you Ashley for sharing your experience! xo

Please don't delay your health checkups. Be proactive! To me, it's even more stressful to put it off than just get it done and check it off your list. I don't like to give my mind unnecessary time to wander around to a negative place + you shouldn't either.

For more resources + information about


check out my other post here.

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Updated: Nov 11, 2023

After 2 1/2 years of not getting Covid, my parents and I......... got Covid.

I'm beyond grateful that we somehow miraculously never got it early on in the pandemic. I still wonder if it was because of my clinical OCD micromanaging everyone around me that kept Covid at bay...with my incessant reminders of..."don't touch that door knob without a tissue....go wash your hands...put your mask on....clean your phone...." and the list goes on.

With that said, I suppose it was inevitable at some point that it caught up to us. I'm just grateful that we had the vaccine (just my do you) and I'm especially so grateful that my parents we able to fight it + not end up in the hospital like so many other unfortunate souls. Hearing how a good friend of mine lost her Dad to Covid sent me into a spiral of depression in the early stages of the pandemic during the worldwide quarantine.

Whatever I needed to do to help my parents survive this, sign me up.
If a mask would help, I did it.
If a vaccine helped, I did it.
I would do anything for them.

My Dad is semi-retired, but retirement has been quite hard for him. He loved his job + being around people + coordinating events with his coworkers. A few months ago, he took a part time job at the local YMCA at the front desk. Most likely, that is where he got Covid. My Mom + I were fine for a few days until I felt a bit sick. I was completely like, "oh this is a tickle...or's nothing" It really felt like nothing....until a few days later + was Covid. By the time, I got Covid my Dad was feeling better + then a few days after me, my Mom got it too.

Below, I have compiled a list of things to have on hand to help with the discomforts of having Covid. If you are high risk ANY upper respiratory virus can be a challenge, so bookmark this post for future reference. Being prepared is far better than being surprised.

A Few Powerful Tools To Prepare For COVID

  • Water - I suggest keeping a bottle near your nightstand so it's there for easy access + so you don't forget to keep drinking. If you can, keep track to make sure you are drinking enough. It was great to have it nearby because I honestly would wake up from my slumber + not remember if I drank anything, what day it was or what time it was! I like to keep these water bottle on hand.

  • Warm Bath or Shower - If you can muster up the energy, it's good to freshen up + upon waking, get the sick sweat off. I was getting a lot of hot + cold flashes so it felt so good to do this for my mind + for self care. Whenever I take a warm bath or shower, I feel slightly less depressed when I come out. I feel slightly more invigorated + less tense. Oh, I also like to hang a eucalyptus bundle in my shower + sprinkle some epsom salt in my bath. If you can, start using a sauna regularly to induce heat shock proteins.

  • Movies, TV Series, Documentaries, Podcasts - Because I'm a nerd + proud of it, I actually keep an ongoing list of all these so I can remember to catch up on any given one of them so I'm not just aimlessly searching for something to listen to or watch. When migraines were kicking my ass, it helped to have podcasts on hands so I could close my eyes + just listen + get my mind off of my ailments for the time being.

  • Sleep + Rest - Don't mess up your sleep! Messed up sleep leads to messed up immune responses. I would know...It actually took me longer to recover from Covid than my parents. I attribute that to my horrible sleep + OCD where I have been pushing myself with projects + living on west coast time while I'm east coast living! I implore you to use this time wisely + GET YOUR REST! Occasionally, I will sometimes take Ora Organic's "You're A Knockout" natural sleep aid supplement. You can order yours HERE but as always, check with your doctor first before taking mine or anyone's advice.

Things I Have On Hand

To Help Me Through Any ILLNESS

  • Chicken Broth, Bone Broth (or) Mineral Vegan Broth - I would suggest to just constantly sip on some when you get hungry. It's so soothing for your throat between all the coughing + dryness. You can add veggies, orzo or noodles of choice to the broth or have it by itself. I always like to have broths on hand from OWL Venice, which you can check out HERE.

  • Expand A Lung: Lung Exerciser. You can use it to keep your lungs working + it’s great as you recover to move the lungs + get the muck out. It helps you cough it up + move it out!

  • Oxygen Cans - These are helpful when you need extra O2. Not everyone has actual medical grade oxygen tanks at home for when energy or Pulse Ox gets too low. When one is low on oxygen it sets panic in, logic goes out the door + getting a little O2 can do wonders.

  • Pulse Oximeter - This is a MUST have. You need to monitor it during any/all illness. Some health insurance programs offer these in their discount program so I suggest looking into it to see if your insurance does too.

  • Hat + Socks - I LOVE these when I’m not feeling well. I’m a firm believer in keeping your head + your feet warm at all times when ill.

  • Vapor Rub - I prefer Maty's brand which is a petroleum free rub. This one is tried + true! It really helps to have someone else massage it vigorously into your back + apply to the chest as well. Then use the lung exerciser or nebulizer + move those lungs! This is more a stimulant of olfaction + blood flow more than anything.

  • Foam Roller - This was key for me to use daily to keep my thoracic spine moving. Your thoracic spine innervates your lungs + digestion + I wanted to keep things moving + stimulated to work optimally.

  • Saline Nasal Wash - A tried + true helper that keeps the nasal mucosa happy. This one is squishy so it can really get stuff to move. You can use the included saline packets in distilled water + add a xylitol packet to bust up any biofilms present. It’s helpful regardless of what kind of inflamed sinus issues I’m having.

  • Nebulizer - A wonderful + simple tool to help your lungs when they get hit. You may prefer the soothing help of simple saline packets.


HYGIENE Essentials

Healthy Meal DELIVERY

Some of us take our health for granted + it's not only until our bodies are crying out to us when we sometimes take it more seriously. The biggest risk factors with getting Covid are lack of physical exercise and frailty. I know when I got sick, I was thinking about all the nature walks and sunshine I was going to enjoy when I felt better again. I wish you + your family good health and I hope this list of suggestions help.

Medical Disclaimer:

The information and representations contained in the website, from here on referred to as, and distributed by the author, as well as any products, foods, supplements, strategies, or services made available on or through or its author, have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration and are not a substitute for disease prevention, diagnosis, treatment, or cure. No statements, claims, foods, services, products, or resources mentioned or made available or accessible through are intended to prevent, diagnose, treat, or cure diseases of any kind. The author affiliated with this site is not a physician or medical professional, and information expressed herein, as well as that conveyed through the author’s social media accounts, newsletters, guides, ebooks, and other products and platforms does not constitute medical advice. Consult a licensed health care professional before implementing any change or discontinuing any element in your dietary, nutraceutical, supplemental, exercise, or pharmaceutical regimen and before engaging with any protocol, or if you have or suspect you may have a health problem. Regardless of health status, do not use this author’s informational material, products, or services for the purposes of medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, or for prescription of any supplement, medication, dietary regimen, exercise routine, or protocol of any kind. Because the information and opinions herein are not intended to replace medical, psychological, or other professional advice, diagnosis, treatment, or prescribing, you must maintain treatment as prescribed by your physician, psychiatrist, or other medical professional irrespective of your use of the author’s services and irrespective of your engagement with the material on The information presented by this author does not represent a claim of benefits, cures, or a legal warranty or guarantee of results or health improvement of any kind. Perusal of and ideas presented by the author does not imply that the reader is a client of the author, and access to or receipt of said information does not in any way imply that a client-coach relationship has been established. For both clients, non-clients, and the general public, and content created by the author does not render or replace medical advice and it is intended for informational purposes only. As such, the author claims no responsibility to any person or entity for any liability, loss, personal injury or harm caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly due to use, application, or interpretation of the information presented herein. Moreover, in no way does the author does not guarantee the information accessible on or linked websites to be accurate, complete, up-to-date, reliable, or reflective of the sum total of peer-reviewed scientific literature on topics presented. Do not reveal private or sensitive information, as is available to the public such that information you disclose will not remain confidential or protected in nature. Similarly, should you choose to connect with the author via email, you may want to encrypt confidential information since Internet email is not always secure. Links to other web pages contained within serve both as references to support statements and represent tools to direct readers to other relevant resources, and do not imply that information presented in linked web pages necessarily represent the opinions of the author. Likewise, links do not imply that the author is in any way affiliated with these resources or with the persons or entities associated with these links. In the same vein, any link made available through, social media, newsletters, guides, ebooks, and other products and platforms does not constitute a recommendation of any kind and does not imply that the author supports, sponsors, or advocates the statements set forth in the linked web pages nor does it imply that the author is legally authorized to use any copyrighted symbol, logo, registered trademark or trade name, legal or official seal that is property of the owners of the links. By the same token, guest posts by other bloggers on this site do not necessarily represent the views of the author of or constitute an endorsement of their products, services, statements, or approaches.

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Updated: Nov 15, 2023

Green Friday:



Below, you will find some of my favorite items + non-toxic products at their DEEPEST DISCOUNTS OF THE YEAR! It's a major win-win when you purchase through my affiliate links, as it supports my free content creation (my income) + most importantly it gives these small companies your business during difficult times. If you choose to purchase any of these products, rest assured I have done my due diligence + have vetted them for quality + purity.

I only promote products that I use personally, truly love + I believe you will too.

Wishing you & your family a happy, healthy holiday season!

xo Nicole xo


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MATE THE LABEL - 30% OFF sitewide! This season, give the whole family the gift of Organic Essentials that are better for their skin & the planet!

Learn more about MATE The Label in my blog posts here.

AMAZON: I completely recognize that Amazon is not at the top of the sustainability list, but in all transparency, we have Amazon Prime & mostly use it for Whole Foods. That being said, they’re dropping early sales throughout the week on some bigger ticket items & these would be some of my picks:




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Learn more about TYB featured in my blog posts here.

KHUS+KHUS - Enter my 20% OFF COUPON code at checkout: NRLIFE20% . I love this skincare line made with 100% botanical ingredients.

Learn more about KHUS+KHUS in my blog posts here.

URSA MAJOR - 20% OFF - Be sure to check out their Holiday Bundles!

No petrochemicals, SLS, SLES, parabens, synthetic fragrance or color, silicones or PEGs & sulfate-free.

Learn more about Ursa Major featured in my various blog posts here.

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Used by everybody from A-list celebs to estheticians, Skin Gym's non-invasive tools include: Microneedling Set, LED Mask, Voda Facial Steamer & more!

Learn more about Skin Gym in my blog posts here.

COCOKIND - 30% OFF sets, 25% OFF sitewide + a FREE full size sleep mask on orders $75+ while supplies last!

Women & minority-owned. I love that their advertisements are inclusive, from skin type to race to gender.

Learn more about Cocokind featured in my blog posts here.


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Farm-to-face recipes. RMS Beauty has been setting the standard for clean ingredients since 2009. In the world of today, clean beauty isn’t all the same. Living ingredients set RMS apart, bringing the energy of raw, food grade, organic, wildcrafted & natural ingredients to your skin, in as close to their fresh-picked state as possible!

Learn more about RMS Beauty featured in my blog posts here.


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Learn more about Tenoverten in my blog posts here.


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THE GIVING KEYS - 40% OFF The Black Friday Collection!

The Giving Keys stamp inspiring words on keys creating necklaces, bracelets, rings + earrings with the engraved keys.

TGK employs local residents who are transitioning out of homelessness to create their product.

Learn more in my blog posts here.

LITTLE WORDS PROJECT - 25% OFF + FREE SHIPPING sitewide / Buy 4+ items & get 30% OFF! (some restrictions apply).

Handcrafted Bracelets
(fine cut crystals each with a unique inspirational word)

LWP collaborate with non-profit organizations donating proceeds of the sale to those in need.

Learn more in my blog posts here.


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LifePlanner™ + Notebooks + Journals Stationary + Stickers



BABY Essentials

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Anne Hathaway, Pink, Olivia Wilde & Serena Williams are fans!

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Learn more in my blog post here.


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Herbal Products
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Learn more in my blog posts here.

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Family Business
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Creams + Lotions
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Learn more in my blog posts here.


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Clothing + Dolls + Books + Decor

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Learn more in my blog posts here.

Click on > arrow above to view slideshow

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Tea + Supplements
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My favs: B*T Fountain | Beauty Electrolyte (super hydrating)
Daily Radiance Elderberry Liposomal C Immune Support (1,000 mg of vitamin C)
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Their bundles & accessories make the perfect gift!

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Learn more in my blog posts here.

TEA DROPS - 15% OFF your first purchase. FREE SHIPPING when you spend $45+.

Woman + Minority-owned + Ethically Sourced Tea company that uses about 20% less waste than traditional tea bag packaging.

Loved by: Former First Lady, Michelle Obama, Oprah + Tory Burch. My favs: Sweet Peppermint, Citrus Ginger + Rose Earl Grey. Learn more here.


OWL VENICE - Enter my 10% OFF COUPON code: GHXVAYZS2S10 at checkout.

OWL = One Whole Life
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Chicken, Turkey, Beef, Bison & Vegan Mineral Broth Elixirs
Mylk Shakes

Oil-based Skincare / Health Coaching Services
(flexible sessions to fit your schedule & budget)

Learn about my Mom & I's OWL Venice Reset journey here.

PRIMAL KITCHEN - 25% OFF sitewide using COUPON code: EARLY25 at checkout.

After 11/24, use my 10% OFF COUPON code: DEROSA10

Clean Ingredient Condiments (mustard, ketchup, dressings, marinades, oils, mayo + protein bars).

Learn more about Primal Kitchen & get my recipes here.

SAKARA - 25% OFF sitewide using code: BLACKFRIDAY2022 at checkout (until 11/28)

Organic, 100% Plant Based Meal Delivery & Detox Program. No powders, no juices, no starving yourself. Just fresh, delicious, thoughtfully-prepared meals that are nutritionally designed to give your body what it needs so that it can let go of whatever it doesn't (toxins, bloat, excess weight, etc.). Learn more about Sakara here.

DATE LADY - Enter my 10% OFF COUPON code: DEROSA10 at checkout.

Organic, Non-GMO, Gluten Free & Kosher.
Fun fact: Dates have more potassium ounce for ounce than a banana!
Read more about Date Lady & get my recipes in my blog posts here.


ORA ORGANIC - For 20% OFF, enter code: BFCM22 at checkout (until 11/28)

Mama Joy & I use Easy Being Green (Superfoods), So Lean & So Clean (Protein), Aloe Gorgeous (Collagen) & Break It Down (Digestive Enzymes).
Learn more about Ora Organic in the video above & in my blog post here.

Affiliate disclosure: is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising & linking to This website also may contain affiliate links to products & services I recommend, which means when you purchase them through my links or with my discount codes, I may earn a small commission, supporting my free content creation that you are viewing. No additional cost is passed onto you as the consumer.

Medical disclaimer: Nothing contained herein or on any of my social media channels should be construed as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Consult a licensed medical doctor prior to taking any supplement or using any healing modality.

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