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Celebrities who have Anxiety Disorders


Things that go through the mind of someone with an Anxiety Disorder :

Why we don't get help

  • I can't control it, it controls me.

  • I don't always know why I'm anxious.

  • Even I think the things I worry about are ridiculous.

  • No matter how irrational it all sounds, it's not a choice and it feels real to me.

  • People will think I am doing it for attention.

  • It's awkward.

  • People will think I'm weak.

  • People will think I'm crazy.

  • People won't understand, they'll minimize it by saying, "get over it" or "just do it".

  • Even though I look OK on the outside, anxiety is reeking havoc on my insides.

  • Because I'm ashamed.

I know for myself personally, it was too much effort and work into seeking out a therapist and I just didn't want to dig deeper for many years. I was always filling my time with doing things to not focus on the things that upset me and I would ignore all the warning signs that I clearly had Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Anxiety Disorder and Panic Attacks. That is until they showed up more publicly and I had to face them head on and made the brave decision to ask for help. I am so proud of myself this year...or this past 2020 as it were for seeking help!

It should not matter that the people below are celebrities, they are all still human beings. I thought it was a very diverse group of people from over the years and centuries (and I'm sure there are many more) who have been clinically diagnosed with Anxiety Disorders, such as myself.

Check out the list below of all these inspiring people who have truly put themselves out there, being in a field where you are in front of audiences, crowds, being chased, being questioned, being judged about every little minute detail of you and your life. They are not normal or humane circumstance really....and couple that with having an Anxiety Disorder.

I want to share this post to remove the stigma of having Anxiety Disorders. There is nothing wrong with you. There is nothing wrong with me. And, there is nothing we are unable to do if we set our mind to it - the possibilities are endless!

You can still suffer from having an Anxiety Disorder, but also want to be an artist (actor, dancer, singer, model, physicist, cartoonist, baseball player, poet, U.S. President and so on...) but not want all the Anxiety inducing things that come with being a "celebrity" or the attention that comes with a particular career or hobby. Some people say, "Well, why did they want to be a famous person in the first place? Why did they want to act? Why did they want to be in the public eye?" The answer is clear, they wanted to enjoy what they are passionate about. The other stuff (celebrity, paparazzi, over the top attention) that is all unwanted (most of the time, if the person or publicist is not calling in for the attention) and is just a byproduct or invention if you will that crossed the line and human's personal space and boundaries many years ago.

I'm still not clear why there aren't laws that protect people from legitimate stalker like paparazzi who have been known to run cars off the road, cross the line and boundaries saying filthy things to people (especially women) just to get a reaction shot for a photo. Imagine having an Anxiety Disorder on top of all that swirling around you when all you wanted was to act or sing etc.

My family and friends of course think of me as very outgoing and chatty with people. This is true to an extent if I am comfortable with you, but on the flip side, certain situations make me feel EXTREMELY UNEASY and actually AFRAID and bring on both an Anxiety and Panic Attack. My triggers are crowds, loud talking, yelling, confrontation and much more. BUT, that said and simply put, no one thing causes anxiety. However, there are a few things that can increase your risk:

  • Genetics. Researchers have found that people who develop anxiety disorders before the age of 20 likely also have a relative who lives with anxiety.

  • Brain Chemistry. Science shows that stress can change the chemical balance in the brain. So it is no surprise that this chemical change can affect your mood.

  • Personality. For some people, their personality can make them predisposed to certain anxiety disorders.

  • Life Events. Traumatic events can change our lives…they can also change our brains. Sometimes, anxiety can manifest around large or challenging life changes. At some point, I may choose to open up more about this but not at this time. This is an area where a lot if not most of my Anxiety and Panic Attacks have come from and continued throughout the years.

I am happy to see that these successful humans (not just celebrities) below have been doing such wonderful and inspiring things in their life despite or in spite of having Anxiety Disorder.

Celebrities who have anxiety disorders:

  • Abraham Lincoln (former U.S. President)

  • Adele (musician)

  • Al Kasha (songwriter)

  • Alanis Morissette (singer)

  • Alex Rodriguez (baseball player)

  • Alfred Lord Tennyson (poet)

  • Amanda Bynes (actress)

  • Amanda Seyfried (actress)

  • Ann Wilson (singer)

  • Ann Tyler (author)

  • Anthony Hopkins (actor)

  • Ashley Judd (musician, actress)

  • Aretha Franklin (singer)

  • Barbara Bush (former First Lady - U.S.)

  • Barbara Gordon (filmmaker)

  • Barbra Streisand (singer, actress)

  • Beverly Johnson (model)

  • Bonnie Raitt (musician)

  • Brooke Shields (actress)

  • Burt Reynolds (actor)

  • Carly Simon (singer)

  • Charles Schultz (cartoonist)

  • Charlize Theron (actress)

  • Charlotte Bronte (author)

  • Catherine Zeta-Jones (actress)

  • Cher (singer, actress)

  • Christina Ricci (actress)

  • Chloe Sevigny (actress)

  • Courtney Love (singer, actress)

  • Dave Stewart (singer - Eurythmics)

  • David Beckham (soccer player)

  • David Bowie (singer)

  • Dean Cain (actor)

  • Deana Carter (singer)

  • Dick Clark (t.v. personality)

  • Donny Osmond (actor)

  • Drew Barrymore (actress)

  • Drew Carey (comedian)

  • Earl Campbell (Heisman Trophy winner)

  • Edie Falco (actress)

  • Edvard Munch (artist)

  • Elizabeth Taylor (actress)

  • Emily Dickinson (poet)

  • Emma Stone (actress)

  • Eric Clapton (musician)

  • Goldie Hawn (actress)

  • Halle Berry (actress)

  • Heath Ledger (actor)

  • Heather Locklear (actress)

  • Howard Stern (radio personality)

  • Howie Mandel (comedian)

  • Isaac Asimov (author)

  • James Garner (actor)

  • Janet Jackson (musician)

  • Jennifer Lawrence (actress)

  • Jessica Alba (actress)

  • Jim Carrey (actor)

  • Jim Eisenreich (baseball)

  • Joan Rivers (actress, comedian)

  • John Candy (actor, comedian)

  • John Cougar Mellencamp (musician, actor)

  • John Cleese (actor)

  • John Madden (announcer)

  • John Mayer (musician)

  • John Steinbeck (author)

  • John Stuart Mill (philosopher)

  • Johnny Depp (actor)

  • Judy Garland (actress, singer)

  • Kate Moss (model)

  • Kim Basinger (actress)

  • Lani O' Grady (actress)

  • Leila Kenzie (actress)

  • Margot Kidder (actress)

  • Marie Osmond (actress)

  • Marlon Brando (actor)

  • Marty Ingels (comedian)

  • Marilyn Monroe (actress)

  • Michael Crichton (writer)

  • Michael English (gospel artist)

  • Michael Jackson (singer)

  • Mickey Rourke (actor)

  • Miley Cyrus (musician)

  • Naomi Campbell (model)

  • Naomi Judd (singer)

  • Nicholas Cage (actor)

  • Nicole Kidman (actress)

  • Nikola Tesla (inventor)

  • Olivia Hussey (actress)

  • Oprah Winfrey (host, actress)

  • Paula Deen (chef)

  • Pete Harnisch (baseball)

  • Ray Charles (musician)

  • Robert Burns (poet)

  • Robert McFarlane (former National Security Advisor - U.S.)

  • Robin Quivers (radio host)

  • Roseanne Barr (comedian)

  • Sally Field (actress)

  • Sam Shepard (playright)

  • Scarlett Johansson (actress)

  • Shecky Greene (comedian)

  • Sheryl Crow (musician)

  • Sigmund Freud (psychiatrist)

  • Sir Isaac Newton (scientist)

  • Sir Laurence Olivier (actor)

  • Sissy Spacek (actress)

  • Susan Powter (t.v. host)

  • Tom Snyder (host)

  • Tony Dow (actor, director)

  • Vinny Guadagnino (actor)

  • W.B Yeats (poet)

  • Willard Scott (weatherman)

  • Winona Ryder (actress)

  • Whoopi Goldberg (actress, host)

Anxiety can feel overwhelming. It’s also highly treatable. Some common treatments include:

  • Deep Breaths. Focus on your breathing to calm and center yourself.

  • Stress Less. Stress management techniques such as exercise, meditation, and mindfulness can help manage stress.

  • Get some shut-eye. Maintaining a regular sleep schedule can regulate your mood and stress.

  • Talk to a professional. A therapist may be able to help you manage triggers and symptoms. Therapists and doctors may also prescribe medication to help manage your mental health. Please contact me if you need help finding a professional in your area.

  • It’s always okay to ask for help. In fact, asking for help is brave. Looking to get started? Try talking to your doctor to learn more about how you are feeling and ways to take care of your mental health.

Source: National Institute of Mental Health

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