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130 items found for "for days"

  • Non-Toxic Skincare for Babies, Toddlers + Mommas

    Especially comforting when every little smell is no bueno + “morning” sickness lasts all day long. Who knew that one day you’d be thinking about your own milk production — a lot?

  • My 2021 Goals

    Below are my intentions for the new year..... 1) Creating a strong daily routine for myself. Enjoy every day to it's fullest!

  • GIFT GUIDE - Black Friday + Cyber Monday Holiday Sales

    FOR DAYS - 40% OFF sitewide! $8 Deals! For Days doesn't just sell you stuff - they take it all back, too, so clothes stay out of landfills. I love my For Better Days grey tee & soft like butta' For Cloudy Days PJs pictured above. Learn more about For Days in my various blog posts here. MATE THE LABEL - 30% OFF sitewide! OWL = One Whole Life Organic / Vegan / Plant Based 4, 6 or 8 Day Reset Cleanse Program (or purchase

  • My Abnormal MRI + Breast Needle Biopsy

    The days in between were the worst, allowing my mind to wander with all kinds of intrusive thoughts. Luckily receiving the results only took a day and a half. Dr. curious to see what a MRI-guided breast needle biopsy entails, you can watch the video below: A few days It's been about four days now since the needle biopsy and I have to say, the whole thing was not bad I kept an ice pack on the site for 30 minutes on/off the first couple days and tomorrow I'll remove the

  • Healthy AVOCADO Deviled Eggs

    Office of Dietary Supplements recommends women of childbearing age have 400 micrograms of folate per day Pregnant women should increase their intake to 600 micrograms per day, according to the agency.

  • HYDRATION STATION: Ways To Stay Hydrated

    Mary Pardee recommends drinking 1/2 of your body weight in ounces per day. 85% water Blood = 85% water Bones = 24% water Lungs = 90% water Muscles = 75% water Try your own 30 DAY 2) Once the water has all been drunk, you can continue to fill + refill the fruit filled bottle all day Perfect with chilled water on a hot day, or mixed in with steamed milk to create the perfect at-home And of course, since day one: completely plant-based!

  • My Dad's Top 10 Quarantine Activities

    with my wife and daughter while they play defense for the contents of the refrigerator several times a day the laundry is now a zen experience. 3) Watching game shows is the most exciting thing I will do each day

  • GIFT GUIDE with THE SIS KISS - Jewelry

    She found herself feeling depressed & anxious, and one day had a panic attack in court. It was the side hustle the sisters loved that blossomed from their personal need for more dainty bangles

  • My First SURGERY

    until day of surgery. I think I was still fully in shock that this day was here + it was actually happening. You will feel sore for a few days. Question: I've had a headache that hasn't gone away in the past few days. Is this normal for a headache post-op to linger without stopping for a few days?

  • MEDITATION - Cue Controlled Relaxation

    is not something that worked overnight, it is something that I continue to practice each and every day Concentrate on blowing the worries of the day far, far away as you release the air in a smooth stream Practice cue-controlled relaxation twice a day, as you did with the earlier stages. Aim to relax completely using cue-controlled relaxation daily.

  • CALIFORNIA BABY - 100% Plant-Based Pure + Gentle SKINCARE Products - August Spotlight

    Take a look inside, by watching the video below: CALIFORNIA BABY Commitment To SUSTAINABILITY Every day is Earth Day at California Baby.

  • COVID Essentials - My List Of Things To Have On Hand

    My Mom + I were fine for a few days until I felt a bit sick. like, "oh this is a tickle...or's nothing" It really felt like nothing....until a few days By the time, I got Covid my Dad was feeling better + then a few days after me, my Mom got it too. it nearby because I honestly would wake up from my slumber + not remember if I drank anything, what day have Beekeeper's Naturals Propolis Throat Spray on hand to spray on my dry, sore throat throughout the day

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