For weeks now, the Ukrainian people and their nation have endured a horrifying and entirely unprovoked conflict. In the face of one of the largest, most well-equipped armies in the world, Ukraine endures – but not without cost. Cities starving under siege and bombardment, children traumatized by wailing air sirens around the country, and whole families destroyed.
We as human beings have a moral obligation to help.
Vladimir Putin is wholly responsible for everything that has unfolded, including the death and destruction in Ukraine and the ruin of his own economy. As humans, we all must stand with Ukraine against this tyrant.
I am of proud Ukrainian descent (my great grandparents were both Ukrainian) and I stand with my Ukrainian friends and neighbors against his invasion. From the start of the war, it has been apparent that the brutal nature of the war would result in a major humanitarian crisis – one that has already seen over 3 million Ukrainian refugees fleeing their homeland.
Support for Ukraine and its people has come in many forms, including critical humanitarian, medical, and military aid. Such measures enjoy strong bipartisan support from myself and others around the world.
Please know that every small positive action we take has a ripple effect and that even the smallest donation and positive intention makes a difference. I will continue to do all that I can to give the Ukrainian government and the Ukrainian people what they need to survive this war and thrive in freedom and peace. I am grateful for the bravery of the Ukrainian people and their desire to determine their own futures.
New Jersey + New York
The 4 Amazing restaurants below will be hosting A NIGHT FOR UKRAINE where they will each be donating 20% of sales to the incredible Chef José Andrés' non-profit World Central Kitchen. WCK is a not-for-profit non-governmental organization devoted to providing meals in the wake of natural disasters.
* Surf BBQ, Rumson NJ * UNDICI - Rumson, NJ * Birravino - Red Bank, NJ * Pastavino - Staten Island, NY
World Central Kitchen (WCK), founded in 2010 by celebrity chef José Andrés, the organization prepared food in Haiti following its devastating earthquake. Its method of operations is to be a first responder and then to collaborate & galvanize solutions with local chefs to solve the problem of hunger, immediately following a disaster.
In late February 2022, José Andrés & World Central Kitchen responded to multiple locations, including in border areas & in hard-hit Kharkiv, Ukraine, to distribute meals during the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine. By March 2, 2022, WCK has opened 8 kitchens on the Ukraine-Poland border.